Query system for developers
Learn, share, manage and grow
Get the best answer to your question
A private, safe space for your team
Save and access your code answers
Code Answers
Programming languages
Code answers to your problems show up first on Google Search, saving you time and being productive.
Once you find your answer code on any web page, you can use CodeInu's Copy or Save Code feature so it can be easily found next time.
CodeInu provides additional Save Code features by highlighting the code you want to save.
Next time you search for a similar code answer, the CodeInu Chrome Extension will show your answer at the top of the google results.
By contributing answers, you not only help other programmers, but you can also earn money by receiving contributions from the programmers themselves.
Programming Languages
Select a Programming LanguageFrameworks
Select a FrameworkShare your code or questions and get instant feedback or become a creator and spread your knowledge and experience with our global community.
Once we started using it and found it great to have so much information, we started to see it go viral. Our team has already started using it. Next thing we know, we're helping millions of users every month.
Programmers should help solve the hardest questions, the unknowns. CodeINU provides the required values. But we don't want to keep answering issues that have already been resolved over and over again. CodeINU wants developers to contribute to that community themselves.
Our goal is to give you the best answer to your question. Easily save code answers from around the web. Access your code answers without thinking. We do this using developer feedback from others experiencing your same coding problems.