Answers for "elixir create a struct"


elixir struct

defmodule UserModule do
  # UserModule struct definition
  # Put this inside a module definition
  defstruct [:first_name, :last_name, :age]

  # functions to access the struct data,
  # horever if the struct and functions life in the same module, 
  # you can replace the module name with __MODULE__  attributte. 
  # Ej %UserModule{} is the same that %__MODULE__{}

  def first_name(%__MODULE__{first_name: name}),
    do: name

  def last_name(%__MODULE__{last_name: name}),
    do: name

  def age(%__MODULE__{age: age}),
    do: age


# For usage this, you can do (in iex for example):

> user = %UserModule{first_name: "martin", last_name: "alganaraz", age: 40}
> UserModule.first_name user
Posted by: Guest on December-04-2020

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