Answers for "create rune in golang"


create rune in golang

// Simple Go program to illustrate
// how to create a rune
package main
import (
func main() {
    // Creating a rune
    rune1 := 'B'
    rune2 := 'g'
    rune3 := 'a'
    // Displaying rune and its type
    fmt.Printf("Rune 1: %c; Unicode: %U; Type: %s", rune1,
                             rune1, reflect.TypeOf(rune1))
    fmt.Printf("nRune 2: %c; Unicode: %U; Type: %s", rune2,
                               rune2, reflect.TypeOf(rune2))
    fmt.Printf("nRune 3: Unicode: %U; Type: %s", rune3, 

	Rune 1: B; Unicode: U+0042; Type: int32
	Rune 2: g; Unicode: U+0067; Type: int32
	Rune 3: Unicode: U+0007; Type: int32
Posted by: Guest on December-29-2021

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