Answers for "go relational operators"


go relational operators

Operator	Description	Example
==	It checks if the values of two operands are equal or not; if yes, the condition becomes true.	(A == B) is not true.
!=	It checks if the values of two operands are equal or not; if the values are not equal, then the condition becomes true.	(A != B) is true.
>	It checks if the value of left operand is greater than the value of right operand; if yes, the condition becomes true.	(A > B) is not true.
<	It checks if the value of left operand is less than the value of the right operand; if yes, the condition becomes true.	(A < B) is true.
>=	It checks if the value of the left operand is greater than or equal to the value of the right operand; if yes, the condition becomes true.	(A >= B) is not true.
<=	It checks if the value of left operand is less than or equal to the value of right operand; if yes, the condition becomes true.	(A <= B) is true.
Posted by: Guest on February-09-2022

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