Answers for "ask user in GO"


ask user in GO

//main package or something i dont know
package main

//imports fmt 
import "fmt"
// low level languages like GO use a (main in GO)function to start the program
func main() {
	// start executing from here
    // print a line that says "Enter Your First Name: "
    // for dummies like me: its println (PRINTLN) not printIn (PRINTIN)
    // what i meant to say is that its a L not a I
    fmt.Println("Enter Your First Name: ")
    // make a variable named first
    // you can name it ANYTHING
    var first string
    // scanning line or something i dont know
    // print a line that says "Enter Second Last Name"
    fmt.Println("Enter Second Last Name: ")
    //make a variable named second
    var second string
    // scans a line ,i think
    // Print function is used to
    // display output in the same line
    // whereas fmt.Println prints then on a line and 
    // the next will be printed onto the next line
    fmt.Print("Your Full Name is: ")
    // add the FIRST variable and the SECOND variable
    // and print it (NOT println)
    fmt.Print(first + " " + second)
Posted by: Guest on February-27-2022

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