Answers for "golang concat string"


golang concat string

// Go program to illustrate
// how to concatenate strings
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
    // Creating and initializing strings
    // using var keyword
    var str1 string
    str1 = "Welcome!"
    var str2 string
    str2 = "GeeksforGeeks"
    // Concatenating strings
    // Using + operator
    fmt.Println("New string 1: ", str1+str2)
    // Creating and initializing strings
    // Using shorthand declaration
    str3 := "Geeks"
    str4 := "Geeks"
    // Concatenating strings
    // Using + operator
    result := str3 + "for" + str4
    fmt.Println("New string 2: ", result)
Posted by: Guest on April-26-2022

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