Answers for "How to find the second smallest value in an array without sorting it in Java?"


How to find the second smallest value in an array without sorting it in Java?

public class SecondSmallest {
	 * Aim is to find second smallest
	 * element in an array in an efficient
	 * manner.
	public static void main(String[] args) {
		int[] arr1 = { 1 };
		int secondSmallest = get2ndSmallest(arr1);
		// Below prints: Size should be greater than 2.
		if (secondSmallest == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
			System.out.println("Size should be" +
					" greater than 2.");
		} else {
		int[] arr2 = { 1, 2, 4, 2 };
		secondSmallest = get2ndSmallest(arr2);
		// Below prints: 2.
		if (secondSmallest == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
			System.out.println("Size should be" +
					" greater than 2.");
		} else {

	// Supporting method for finding 2nd
	// smallest value in array.
	private static int get2ndSmallest(int[] arr) {
		int smallest = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
		int secondSmallest = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
		for (int num : arr) {
			// Update second smallest if
			// a new running min is found
			if (num < smallest) {
				secondSmallest = smallest;
				smallest = num;
			} else if (num < secondSmallest &&
					num != smallest) {
				secondSmallest = num;
		return secondSmallest;
Posted by: Guest on April-28-2022

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