How to create a stack data structure in Java?
public class ArrayBasedStack {
private Object[] array; // Container for Stack elements
private int top; // Index of top element
// Constructor for creating stack of given capacity
public ArrayBasedStack(int capacity) {
array = new Object[capacity];
top = -1;
// Method for adding a new element to top of stack
public void push(Object obj) throws Exception {
if(size() == array.length) {
throw new Exception("Stack is full!");
top++; // Advance to next cell
array[top] = obj; // Add new element
// Method for removing element from top of stack
public Object pop() throws Exception {
if(isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception("Stack is empty!");
Object toReturn = array[top]; // Element to return
array[top] = null; // Replace it with null
top--; // Update top to point to new top
return toReturn;
// Method for getting top element without removing it
public Object top() throws Exception {
if(isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception("Stack is empty!");
return array[top];
public int size() {
return top + 1;
public boolean isEmpty() {
return (top == -1);