Answers for "print out values in 2d array in for loop java"


how to print a 2d array in java

for (int row = 0; row < arr.length; row++)//Cycles through rows
  for (int col = 0; col < arr[row].length; col++)//Cycles through columns
    System.out.printf("%5d", arr[row][col]); //change the %5d to however much space you want
  System.out.println(); //Makes a new row
//This allows you to print the array as matrix
Posted by: Guest on April-22-2020

java print 2d array row and column

public class TwoDimensionalArrays
public static void main (String args[])
    final int size1 = 2, size2 = 4, size3 = 5;
    int [][] numbers = {{20,25,34,19,33}, {11,17,15,45,26}, {27,22,9,41,13}};        
    int row = 0, col = 0;

        for(row = 0; row <= size1; row++); //loops through rows
            for(col = 0; col <= size2; col++); //loops through columns
        System.out.print("\n"); //takes a new line before each new print
Posted by: Guest on November-22-2021

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