Answers for "how to convert binary decimal and octal code in java"


binary to octal conversion java program

// conversion of binary to octal in java..
public class Main{
    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{
        String binary = "1100100";                // binary number.. 
        int decimal = Integer.parseInt(binary,2); // converting binary to decimal
        System.out.println(Integer.toOctalString(decimal)); // 144 <= octal output..  
Posted by: Guest on May-12-2020

Convert Octal to Binary in java

class Main {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    int octal = 67;
    long binary = convertOctalToBinary(octal);
    System.out.println(octal + " in octal = " + binary + " in binary");

  public static long convertOctalToBinary(int octalNumber) {
    int decimalNumber = 0, i = 0;
    long binaryNumber = 0;

    while (octalNumber != 0) {
      decimalNumber += (octalNumber % 10) * Math.pow(8, i);
      octalNumber /= 10;

    i = 1;

    while (decimalNumber != 0) {
      binaryNumber += (decimalNumber % 2) * i;
      decimalNumber /= 2;
      i *= 10;

    return binaryNumber;
Posted by: Guest on January-29-2022

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