Answers for "what are association in java"


Concept of Association in java

// Java Program to illustrate the
// Concept of Association
// Importing required classes
// Class 1
// Bank class
class Bank {
    // Attribures of bank
    private String name;
    // Constructor of this class
    Bank(String name)
        // this keyword refers to current instance itself = name;
    // Method of Bank class
    public String getBankName()
        // Returning name of bank
// Class 2
// Employee class
class Employee {
    // Attribures of employee
    private String name;
    // Employee name
    Employee(String name)
        // This keyword refwrs to current insytance itself = name;
    // Method of Employee class
    public String getEmployeeName()
        // returning the name of employee
// Class 3
// Association between both the
// classes in main method
class GFG {
    // Main driver mmethod
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Creating objects of bank and Employee class
        Bank bank = new Bank("ICICI");
        Employee emp = new Employee("Ridhi");
        // Print and display name and
        // corresponding bank of employee
                           + " is employee of "
                           + bank.getBankName());
Posted by: Guest on January-20-2022

Association in java


Association in Java defines the connection between two classes that
are set up through their objects. Association manages one-to-one, 
one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. In Java, the multiplicity 
between objects is defined by the Association. It shows how objects 
communicate with each other and how they use the functionality and 
services provided by that communicated object.
  In Java, two types of Association are possible:

	1) IS-A Association (is also referred to as Inheritance)
	2) HAS-A Association
		a) Aggregation
		b) Composition
Posted by: Guest on February-09-2022

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