Answers for "array in object class java"


java class array of objects

public class MainClass
    public static void main(String args[])
        System.out.println("Hello, World!");
        //step1 : first create array of 10 elements that holds object addresses.
        Emp[] employees = new Emp[10];
        //step2 : now create objects in a loop.
        for(int i=0; i<employees.length; i++){
            employees[i] = new Emp(i+1);//this will call constructor.

class Emp{
    int eno;
    public Emp(int no){
        eno = no;
        System.out.println("emp constructor called..eno is.."+eno);
Posted by: Guest on April-06-2020

Java Array objects

class Police
	public int id;
	public String name;
	Police(int id, String name)
	{ = id; = name;
class PoliceClass
	public static void main (String[] args)
		Police[] array;
		array = new Police[4];
		array[0] = new Police(3242,"Peter");
		array[1] = new Police(4353,"Adil");
		array[2] = new Police(6433,"Preet");
		array[3] = new Police(3434,"Ranjeet");

		for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
			System.out.println("Police array Element at " + i + " : " +
						array[i].id +" "+ array[i].name);

Posted by: Guest on December-28-2021

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