Answers for "java what are interfaces used for"


interface in java

An interface is a special kind of class that cannot be instantiated.
 The main idea of an interface is declaring functionality. Interfaces help to 
 abstract from specific classes and emphasize the functionality. 
It makes software design more reusable and clean
Opposite to a class, an interface can extend several interfaces. 
A class can implement multiple interfaces.
Posted by: Guest on January-28-2022

interface in java

An interface can contain:

public constants;
abstract methods without an implementation (the keyword abstract is not required here);
default methods with implementation (the keyword default is required);
static methods with implementation (the keyword static is required);
private methods with implementation.
Java 9 onwards, you can include private methods in interfaces. Before Java 9 
it was not possible.
An interface can't contain fields (only constants), constructors,
 or non-public abstract methods.
The keyword abstract before a method means that the method does not have a
body, it just declares a signature.
Posted by: Guest on January-28-2022

syntax for java interfaces

  class  ClassName [ extends SuperClassName ]
		[ implements InterfaceName1 [, Interface Name2 �] )  {
			class body 
Posted by: Guest on June-28-2021

interface in java

the main idea of an interface is declaring functionality.
Suppose you program a game that has several types of characters.
These characters are able to move within a map. That is represented by Movable
Posted by: Guest on January-28-2022

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