a recursive function that calculates the greatest common divisor from user's input in java
import scanner and instantiate scanner class;
declare your method with two parameters
declare a third variable;
set condition;
swap the parameter values if condition is met;
set second conditon based on result of first condition;
divide and assign remainder to the third variable;
swap the result;
in the main method, allow for user input;
Call the method;
public class gcf {
public static void main (String[]args){//start of main method
Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in);//allow for user input
System.out.println("Please enter the first integer: ");//prompt
int a = input.nextInt();//initial user input
System.out.println("Please enter a second interger: ");//prompt
int b = input.nextInt();//second user input
Divide(a,b);//call method
public static void Divide(int a, int b) {//start of your method
int temp;
// making a greater than b
if (b > a) {
temp = a;
a = b;
b = temp;
while (b !=0) {
// gcd of b and a%b
temp = a%b;
// always make a greater than b
a =b;
b =temp;
System.out.println(a);//print to console