Answers for "using underscore javascript number"


js what is underscore

The Underscore _ Identifier 
A convention has also developed regarding the use of _, 
which is frequently used to preface the name of an object's property
or method that is private. This is a quick and easy way to immediately
identify a private class member, and it is so widely used, that almost
every programmer will recognize it.
Posted by: Guest on July-15-2021

using underscore javascript number

//When working with large numbers it can be hard to read them out, 
//try to read this value for example:

const value = 100000000;
//Numeric separators are a JavaScript feature 
//that allows you to use underscore as a separator in numeric literals, 
//for example, you can write 10000 as 10_000. 
//The feature works in recent versions of modern browsers as well as Node.js.

//When we apply this to the top example we can easily read out the value:

const value = 100_000_000;
//The numeric separator also works on octal, hex, and binary numbers:

const octalValue  = 0o32_12;
const hexValue    = 0xff_55_00;
const binaryValue = 0b1010_1011_1111;
//Now let's keep those numbers easy to read!
Posted by: Guest on December-30-2021

underscore javascript

private void Foo() {}
Posted by: Guest on July-11-2021

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