Answers for "w3schools split javascript"


javascript split

var arr = ['hey', 'nay', 'wey'];
var let = arr.split(' ');
Posted by: Guest on September-20-2020

split() javascript

// It essentially SPLITS the sentence inserted in the required argument
// into an array of words that make up the sentence.

var input = "How are you doing today?";
var result = input.split(" "); // Code piece by ZioTino

// the following code would return as
// string["How", "are", "you", "doing", "todaY"];
Posted by: Guest on December-05-2020

split javascript

var test= "Hi I am a fullstack developper";
var result= test.split("l");
// [Hi I am a fu,,stack deve,lopper]

/*the split methode replace the (letter/symbole) into the 
brackets to "," and transform it to array.*/
Posted by: Guest on April-21-2021

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