Answers for "javascript for each insinde a function"


js for each item do

let array = ['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3'];

array.forEach(item => {
	console.log(item); // Logs each 'Item #'
Posted by: Guest on February-20-2020

for each functions javascript

//Am goinmg to practice the next big thing, using for.each function yo tripple iontegers in an array :)
  //for.each function is used to run a command on each number or string in an array 
  const theFigures = [2,4,5,6,7,8,9,12,23,45,68,31,90];
  const afterMath = (num) => {
    const theArray = [];
    num.forEach((n) => {
      const trippled = n*3;
    return theArray;
Posted by: Guest on September-15-2021

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