react icon size
# This code performs approximate multiplication on two 8-bit numbers.
# It first takes i1 and i2 from user on command line.
# There is a .txt file attached which hold the product values in order (0x0, 1x0, ...., 255x0, 1x0, .........., 255x255)
# It then stores it accordingly in prod[] matrix
# According to input combination provided by user, it writes the corresponding in another file(.txt)
# The input and output filenames are generically taken as approx_8x8.txt and behavioural_8x8.txt from VHDL simulation
# You can rename them according to your multiplier module name
i1 = input("enter first number : ") # Input A (8-bit) in decimal
i2 = input("enter second number : ") # Input B (8-bit) in decimal
with open("approx_8x8.txt", "r") as fh1: # Opens text file containing all products in order in decimal (NAME IT ACCORDING TO YOUR FILENAME)
fh2 = open("behavioural_8x8.txt", "w") # Text file in which product would be written (NAME IT ACCORDING TO YOUR FILENAME)
a = []
b = []
prod = []
out = 0
count = 0
temp = 0,0)
line = fh1.readline()
while line:
length = len(line)
if length > 1:
for i in range(length):
b.append(int(i/256)) # Stores multiplier matrix
a.append(int(i%256)) # Stores multiplicand matrix
prod.append(line) # Stores product matrix in order
count = count + 1
line = fh1.readline()
for i in range(len(prod)):
if int(i%256) == int(i1) and int(i/256) == int(i2):
fh2.write(str(int(prod[i]))) # Writes corresponding product of inputs provided by user in different text file