Answers for "concatenate string kotlin"


how to concatenate in kotlin

fun main() {
    var list = listOf("Hello", "World")
    var result = list.joinToString("")

//It will print:

//This is another way to concatenate in Kotlin!
//Hopefully it helps!
Posted by: Guest on July-26-2021

how to concatenate in kotlin

fun main() {

    val a = 11
    val b = 10

        println("$a is larger than $b.")
        println("max variable holds value of a.")

//It will output!
11 is larger than 10.
max variable holds value of a.

//You conactenate using the $ symbol and put the var in it!
//Example is $a or $b

//Hopefully it helps!
Posted by: Guest on July-26-2021

how to concatenate in kotlin

//This is another way too! The Kotlin language is very special because it somewhat flexible!

//If you use vscdoe to run it just do fun main(){}

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

    val str1 = "hello"
    val str2 = "hi"
    val str3 = "bye"

    // joining using + operator
    // can also be written like this: 
    // val str4 =
    val str4 = str1 + str2 + str3

    // displaying concatenated string

//output is:

//Hopefully it helps I got it from the website! I did test if it works and it is working good!
Posted by: Guest on July-26-2021

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