how to set onClickListener to RecyclerView kotlin
/* How to set up a click listener on RecyclerView in conjunction with an adapter and a click listener on items NOT only *RecyclerView itemClickListener* *RecyclerView onClickListener* and *RecyclerView itemClickListener* together often such a solution is needed to close pop-up messages when clicking anywhere on the screen with RecyclerView list This code is more like a crutch but works great for me */ private fun CreateRecyclerView(){ val recycler_list = findViewBiId<RecyclerView>( recycler_list.setOnTouchListener { v, _ -> // if statement is return boolean value for OnTouchListener if (layoutAttachment.visibility == View.VISIBLE || menuButtons.visibility == View.VISIBLE) { closeOpenDialogs() v.performClick() } else { false } } recycler_list.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this, LinearLayoutManager.VERTICAL, false) recycler_list.setHasFixedSize(true) recycler_list.adapter = myAdapter recycler_list.itemAnimator = DefaultItemAnimator() } private fun closeOpenDialogs(){ // here do staff for you need click actions like if (layoutAttachment.visibility == View.VISIBLE || menuButtons.visibility == View.VISIBLE) { layoutAttachment.visibility == View.GONE menuButtons.visibility == View.GONE } }