Answers for "roblox studio global variable"


roblox local and global variables

-- A LOCAL variable is accessible only in the block where it’s declared. 
-- Local variables are declared using the local statement:

if true then
	local myNumber = 50
  	myNumber = myNumber + 10 -- This will work because is Inside the code Block
myNumber = myNumber + 10 -- This wont work because we cannot access it
print(myNumber) -- This wont work also because your code got broken from before

-- A GLOBAL variable looks like this
-- You just take the local part away

if true then
	myNumber2 = 50
	myNumber2 = myNumber2 + 10 -- This will work because is Inside the code Block
myNumber2 = myNumber2 + 10 -- This WORKS because it was declared globally
Posted by: Guest on December-30-2021

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