Answers for "parse tree tags"


parse tree tags

Here is some parse tree tags and their defination :)
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CC         ->      Coordinating conj. 
CD         ->      Cardinal number 
DT         ->      Determiner 
EX         ->      Existential there 
FW         ->      Foreign word 
IN         ->      Preposition 
JJ         ->      Adjective 
JJR         ->      Adjective, comparative 
JJS         ->      Adjective, superlative 
LS         ->      List item marker 
MD         ->      Modal 
NN         ->      Noun, singular or mass 
NNS         ->      Noun, plural 
NNP         ->      Proper noun, singular 
NNPS         ->      Proper noun, plural 
PDT         ->      Predeterminer 
POS         ->      Possessive ending 
PRP         ->      Personal pronoun 
PP$         ->       Possessive pronoun 
RB         ->      Adverb 
RBR         ->      Adverb, comparative 
RBS         ->      Adverb, superlative 
RP         ->      Particle 
SYM         ->      Symbol 
TO         ->      infinitival to
UH         ->      Interjection
VB         ->      Verb, base form
VBD         ->      Verb, past tense
VBG         ->      Verb, gerund/present pple
VBN         ->      Verb, past participle
VBP         ->      Verb, non-3rd ps. sg. present
VBZ         ->      Verb, 3rd ps. sg. present
WDT         ->      Wh-determiner
WP         ->      Wh-pronoun
WP$         ->       Possessive wh-pronoun
WRB         ->      Wh-adverb
ADJP         ->      Adjective phrase
ADVP         ->      Adverb phrase
NP         ->      Noun phrase
PP         ->      Prepositional phrase
S         ->      Simple declarative clause
SBAR         ->      Subordinate clause
SBARQ         ->      Direct question introduced by wh-element
SINV         ->      Declarative sentence with subject-aux inversion
SQ         ->      Yes/no questions and subconstituent of SBARQ excluding wh-element
VP         ->      Verb phrase
WHADVP         ->      Wh-adverb phrase
WHNP         ->      Wh-noun phrase
WHPP         ->      Wh-prepositional phrase
#         ->      Pound sign
$         ->      Dollar sign
.         ->      Sentence-final punctuation
,         ->      Comma
:         ->      Colon, semi-colon
(         ->      Left bracket character
)         ->      Right bracket character
"         ->      Straight double quote
‘         ->      Left open single quote
“         ->      Left open double quote
’         ->      Right close single quote
”         ->      Right close double quo
X         ->      Constituent of unknown or uncertain category
*         ->      “Understood” subject of infinitive or imperative
0         ->      Zero variant of that in subordinate clauses
T         ->      Trace of wh-Constituen
Posted by: Guest on March-19-2022

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