how to merge branches github
git checkout main
git merge MyFix
git branch -d MyFix #dp this to delete your now useless MyFix branch, since
#should now be up to date with main.
how to merge branches github
git checkout main
git merge MyFix
git branch -d MyFix #dp this to delete your now useless MyFix branch, since
#should now be up to date with main.
merge two branches from different repositories
git remote add <RemoteName> <RemoteURL>
git fetch <RemoteName>
# check to see whether remote is available with
git remote -v
git checkout -b <NewBranchName> <RemoteName/master>
# move all the files into a subdirectory so there aren't any conflicts with names (git mv)
git commit -m "moved"
git checkout master
git merge <NewBranchName> --allow-unrelated-histories
# cleanup everything with:
git remote rm <RemoteName>
git branch -d <NewBranchName>
# check to see whether everything is correct with:
git remote -v
git branch -a -v
git status
git push
git combine two branches into third
git checkout -b branchAB merge-base
git merge branchA
git merge branchB
git rebase --onto merge-base merge-base branchAB
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