Answers for "why does office vba change integer to 16bits"


excel vba low word from Long Integer

'If n is a 4-byte Long Integer, the Low (Left) Word is:
If n And &H8000& Then
  	LoWord = n Or &HFFFF0000
    LoWord = n And &HFFFF&
End If

'If n is a 4-byte Long Integer, the High (Right) Word is:
HiWord = (n And &HFFFF0000)  &H10000
Posted by: Guest on May-23-2020

excel vba convert 2 Short integers to a Long integer

Public Function MakeLong&(ByVal LoWord%, ByVal HiWord%)
  MakeLong = (HiWord * &H10000) Or (LoWord And &HFFFF&)
End Function
Posted by: Guest on May-23-2020

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