Answers for "left shift operator in c"


c shift array left

void  main()
  int i,n,a[100],temp;
    printf("Enter the number of elements:\n");
    printf("Enter the elements\n");
    printf("Original array\n");
        printf("%d ",a[i]);
    /* shifting array elements */
    printf("\nNew array after rotating by one postion in the left direction\n");
        printf("%d ",a[i]);
Posted by: Guest on October-27-2020

left shift operator in c

int main() 
    // a = 5(00000101), b = 9(00001001) 
    unsigned char a = 5, b = 9;  
    // The result is 00001010  
    printf("a<<1 = %d\n", a<<1); 
    // The result is 00010010  
    printf("b<<1 = %d\n", b<<1);   
    return 0; 
Posted by: Guest on September-18-2020

bitwise operator

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    printf("Output = %d\n",~35);
    printf("Output = %d\n",~-12);
    return 0;
Posted by: Guest on September-24-2020

c right bit shift

// 5: 0...0101
int a = 5;
//shift int a 2 bits
int n = (a >> 2);
Posted by: Guest on November-21-2020

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