how to initialize an struct object in c++
// exemple avec la structure Coordonnees :
struct Coordonnees
int x;
int y;
int main()
Coordonnees coords = {1,2};
how to initialize an struct object in c++
// exemple avec la structure Coordonnees :
struct Coordonnees
int x;
int y;
int main()
Coordonnees coords = {1,2};
c++ initialize a struct
struct address {
int street_no;
char *street_name;
char *city;
char *prov;
char *postal_code;
address temp_address = {
0, // street_no
nullptr, // street_name
"Hamilton", // city
"Ontario", // prov
nullptr, // postal_code
structs in c
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
struct book{ //this is like making a datatype of type book
//these are the fields
char name[50];
char author[50];
char ISBN[11];
int main(){
struct book book1; //making an instance of book called book1
normally to store integers in a struct we can do something like
book1.number_of_pages = 22; which is correct
however with character arrays we need to use the strcpy
strcpy(, "james and the giant tatti");
strcpy(, "Krishan Grewal");
strcpy(book1.ISBN, "12345678987");
printf("book name: %s\n",;
printf("book author: %s\n",;
printf("book ISBN: %s\n", book1.ISBN);
return 0;
how to initialize a struct in c
typedef struct MY_TYPE {
bool flag;
short int value;
double stuff;
void function(void) {
a = { true, 15, 0.123 }
struct initialization
struct Person
char name[50];
int citNo;
float salary;
} person1, person2, p[20];
instance for c in struct
typedef struct listitem listitem;
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