online python to c converter
import random
from collections import defaultdict
def main_roll():
dice_amount = int(input("Enter the number of dice: ")) # Total Number of Dice Being Rolled
sides_of_dice = int(input("Enter the number of sides: ")) # Total Number of Sides per Die
rolls_of_dice = int(input("Enter the number of rolls to simulate: ")) # Total Number of Times Each Die Rolled
result = roll(dice_amount, sides_of_dice, rolls_of_dice) # This stores the results
maxH = 0 # Used for formulating
for i in range(dice_amount, dice_amount * sides_of_dice + 1):
if result[i] / rolls_of_dice > maxH: maxH = result[i] / rolls_of_dice
for i in range(dice_amount, dice_amount * sides_of_dice + 1):
print('{:2d}{:10d}{:8.2%} {}'.format(i, result[i], result[i] / rolls_of_dice, '#' * int(result[i] / rolls_of_dice / maxH * 40)))
def roll(dice_amount, sides_of_dice, rolls):
d = defaultdict(int)
for _ in range(rolls):
d[sum(random.randint(1, sides_of_dice) for _ in range(dice_amount))] += 1
return d