Answers for "how to use fstream in c++"


how to read and write in a file c++

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

ifstream file_variable; //ifstream is for input from plain text files"input.txt"); //open input.txt

file_variable.close(); //close the file stream
Manually closing a stream is only necessary
if you want to re-use the same stream variable for a different
file, or want to switch from input to output on the same file.
//You can also use cin if you have tables like so:
while (cin >> name >> value)// you can also use the file stream instead of this
 cout << name << value << endl;
//ifstream file_variable; //ifstream is for input from plain text files
ofstream out_file;"output.txt");

out_file << "Write this scentence in the file" << endl;
Posted by: Guest on April-04-2020

fstream in c++

int main()
  fstream file; 
  /*if we use fstream then we need to specify at least one 
  parameter mode like ios::out or ios::in else the file will not open */"filename.txt", ios::out|ios::in);
  /*all work with file*/
  return 0;
Posted by: Guest on March-26-2021

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