Answers for "lcm inbuilt function in python"


lcm python

# Python program to find the L.C.M. of two input number

# This function computes GCD 
def compute_gcd(x, y):

       x, y = y, x % y
   return x

# This function computes LCM
def compute_lcm(x, y):
   lcm = (x*y)//compute_gcd(x,y)
   return lcm

num1 = 54
num2 = 24 

print("The L.C.M. is", compute_lcm(num1, num2))
Posted by: Guest on December-25-2020

how to find lcm in python

def find_lcm(x, y):

   # choose the higher number
   if x > y:
       greater = x
       greater = y

       if((greater % x == 0) and (greater % y == 0)):
           lcm = greater
       greater += 1

   return lcm

num1 = 22 # You can input the numbers if u want
num2 = 56

# call the function
print("L.C.M :", find_lcm(num1, num2))
Posted by: Guest on June-25-2021

python find lcm

def lcm(a, b):
        i = 1
        if a > b:
                c = a
                d = b
                c = b
                d = a
        while True:
                if ((c * i) / d).is_integer():
                        return c * i
                i += 1;
Posted by: Guest on July-05-2020

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