guessing game c++
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <ctime>
using std::cout;
using std::cin;
using std::endl;
int main() {
long int randnum,guess,lowerlimit,higherlimit = 0 ;
cout<<"enter your lower limit number: ";
cin>> lowerlimit ;
cout<<"enter your higher limit number:";
cout<<"enter your guessing number between: " <<" "<< lowerlimit << " and "<<""<<higherlimit<<" : ";
randnum = rand()%(higherlimit-lowerlimit+1) + lowerlimit ;
// using the conditional operator instead of if / else
if(guess != randnum){
cout <<((guess > randnum)? "your guess is large " : "your guess is too small " ) << "and it is " << guess << " and computer guess is " << randnum << endl;
cout << " GREAT, YOU WON !!!"<<", your guess is " << guess << " and computer guess is " << randnum << endl;
return 0 ;