array template c++
#include <iostream>
#include <array>
using namespace std;
int main () {
const int size = 5;
array<int, size> numbers; // create stl array template
array<int, size> :: iterator NUMBER_ITERATOR; // declare iterator that points to stl template numbahs
NUMBER_ITERATOR = numbers.begin(); // points iterator to first element in array template
cout << "Please fill the array: \n";
for(;NUMBER_ITERATOR != numbers.end(); NUMBER_ITERATOR++) cin >> *NUMBER_ITERATOR; // enter the value for each element one-by-one
NUMBER_ITERATOR = numbers.begin(); // reset the pointer to first element
cout << "Displaying array: \n";
for(;NUMBER_ITERATOR != numbers.end(); NUMBER_ITERATOR++) cout << *NUMBER_ITERATOR << "\n"; // prints out value for each
cout << endl;
return 0;