array<string, 7> c++
//dayType.h, the specification file for the class dayType
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class dayType{
string day; // To hold single instance of the name of a weekday.
const string dayName[7]; // holds the names of the of the seven weekdays
//"Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wedensday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"
int dayNumber; // To hold an int representation of the location of a spicific day
//within the array
void setDay(); // Function to set the DayType variable "day" to the name of a
//weekday. This function recieves a call from promptUser() and begins by asking
//the user to enter the day to set.
//Postcondition: after the user enters the information in the form of a
//weekday name this function sets the day to that value.
void promptUser(); // Asks the user if they want to set the day and if yes
//prompts the user to set the day by entering the day name via function setDay.
//Postcondition: If the user chooses to enter Y for yes when prompted this
//function calls setDay()