Godot parallax loop
# Displays a background texture which loops infinitely in all directions.
# It should be put on a Node2D under the root of your scene.
# Differences from ParallaxBackground node:
# - Just drop a texture on it, done
# - No need to have a large enough image, tiling fills all visible area
# - Works on the same layer, adjust Z as you see fit
# - Focused on camera center, so zooming won't trouble the parallax. (TODO zoom parallax?)
extends Node2D
# Background texture to repeat
export(Texture) var texture = null
# Parallax motion speed.
# The closer to zero, the slower the background will move.
# (1,1) is in sync, above is faster.
export var parallax = Vector2(0.5, 0.5)
var _tiles_x = 0
var _tiles_y = 0
func _ready():
# If zoom changes too much in your game,
# you should call this, then update() to redraw tiles to the right range.
func update_tiles():
var ntiles = _calculate_required_tiles()
_tiles_x = ntiles.x
_tiles_y = ntiles.y
func _process(delta):
func _update_position():
var cam_pos = _get_camera_center()
#print("cam_zoom = " + str(Vector2(1,1)/get_canvas_transform().get_scale()))
var parallax_pos = -cam_pos * parallax
var tsize = texture.get_size()
var tiled_pos = parallax_pos / tsize
var floored_parallax_pos = tsize * Vector2(floor(tiled_pos.x), floor(tiled_pos.y))
var new_pos = cam_pos + (parallax_pos - floored_parallax_pos)
func _get_camera_center():
var ctrans = get_canvas_transform()
var top_left = -ctrans.get_origin()
var vsize = get_viewport_rect().size
var center = (top_left + 0.5*vsize) / ctrans.get_scale()
return center
func _calculate_required_tiles():
var tile_size = texture.get_size() * get_scale()
var view_size = get_viewport_rect().size / get_canvas_transform().get_scale()
var fn = view_size / tile_size
return Vector2(ceil(fn.x), ceil(fn.y))
func _draw():
var tsize = texture.get_size()
var nx = _tiles_x / 2 + 1
var ny = _tiles_y / 2 + 1
# Draw tiles around the center
for y in range(-ny, ny):
for x in range(-nx, nx):
draw_texture(texture, Vector2(x,y) * tsize)
#draw_rect(Rect2(Vector2(0,0), Vector2(8,8)), Color(1,0,0))