how to use var in c#
/*var*/ var MyVar = 5;
/*static*/ public static int MyStatic;
how to use var in c#
/*var*/ var MyVar = 5;
/*static*/ public static int MyStatic;
how to use var in c#
/*const*/ public const int I = 1;
/*reandoly*/ reandoly string MyString(this is an example);
C# varible
public varible nameofvarible;//In Unity to esablish varible new slot should appear in the script componit and drag what element you want
var c#
/*int*/int myNum = 5;
/*doube*/ double myDoubleNum = 5.99D;
/*char*/ char myLetter = 'D';
/*bool*/ bool myBool = true;
/*string*/ string myText = "Hello";
/*var*/ var myVar = "newewewewewewewewewe"
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