Answers for "how to check if a float is between two numbers c#"


c# check if is float

public bool IsFloatOrInt(string value) {
  int intValue;
  float floatValue;
  return Int32.TryParse(value, out intValue) || float.TryParse(value, out floatValue);
Posted by: Guest on May-04-2021

c# decimal vs float

// Precision is the main difference.
float flt = 1F/3;
double dbl = 1D/3;
decimal dcm = 1M/3;
Console.WriteLine("float: {0} double: {1} decimal: {2}", flt, dbl, dcm);

float: 0.3333333  
double: 0.333333333333333  
decimal: 0.3333333333333333333333333333

/* Float - 7 digits (32 bit)
Double-15-16 digits (64 bit)
Decimal -28-29 significant digits (128 bit)

Decimals have much higher precision and are usually used within financial 
applications that require a high degree of accuracy. Decimals are much slower
(up to 20X times in some tests) than a double/float.

Decimals and Floats/Doubles cannot be compared without a cast whereas Floats
and Doubles can. Decimals also allow the encoding or trailing zeros. */
Posted by: Guest on September-06-2021

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