Answers for "random number between two ranges"


randomm number from 2 different ranges

/* Using Ternary Operator
	(condition) ? (if true, do this) : (otherwise, do this)
Have Initial Range from 1-2. Generate either 1 or 2. 
	If generates 1, then [true] range will be accepted (65-90 in this case)
	If generates 2, [false] range will be chosen (97-122 in this case) */
Random rnd = new Random();
int randomNum = rnd.Next(1, 3) == 1 ? rnd.Next(65, 91) : rnd.Next(97,123);

/* This method might not produce perfect probability distribution for all 
values if range sizes are not equal. The individual terms belonging to the 
larger range size will appear fewer times vs the individual terms in the 
smaller range */
Posted by: Guest on May-06-2021

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