Answers for "awake unity"


what does start() do unity

// The Start() function is called before the first frame
// You can use it to run any code you want right when the game starts
void Start()
	// Put any code you want here
    // Any code in here will run before the first frame of the game is called
Posted by: Guest on December-05-2020

unity when is awake called

Awake is called when the script instance is being loaded.
'Loaded' means here in default enter Play Mode.
If you add unity attributes that change the default behaviour like
execute always or execute in edit mode only, the instance is created also in
Edit Mode, after the script is reimported by unity.
Awake is used to initialize any variables or game state before the game starts.
 ... Awake is called after all objects are initialized.
So you can safely speak to other objects or query them using eg. gameObject.
Posted by: Guest on October-05-2021

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