javascript pushing to an array
some_array = ["John", "Sally"];
console.log(some_array); //output will be =>
["John", "Sally", "Mike"]
javascript pushing to an array
some_array = ["John", "Sally"];
console.log(some_array); //output will be =>
["John", "Sally", "Mike"]
add value to array javascript
var fruits = ["222", "vvvv", "eee", "eeee"];
javascript add items to array
//adding items to array
objects = [];
objects.push("you can add a string,number,boolean,etc");
//if you more stuff in a array
//before i made a error doing value = : value
objects.push({variable1 : value, variable2 : value);
//we do the {} so we tell it it will have more stuff and the variable : value
js add to array
const myArray = ['hello', 'world'];
// add an element to the end of the array
myArray.push('foo'); // ['hello', 'world', 'foo']
// add an element to the front of the array
myArray.unshift('bar'); // ['bar', 'hello', 'world', 'foo']
// add an element at an index of your choice
// the first value is the index you want to add at
// the second value is how many you want to delete (0 in this case)
// the third value is the value you want to insert
myArray.splice(2, 0, 'there'); // ['bar', 'hello', 'there', 'world', 'foo']
java add element to existing array
//original array
String[] rgb = new String[] {"red", "green"};
//new array with one more length
String[] rgb2 = new String[rgb.length + 1];
//copy the old in the new array
System.arraycopy(rgb, 0, rgb2, 0, rgb.length);
//add element to new array
rgb2[rgb.length] = "blue";
//optional: set old array to new array
rgb = rgb2;
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