Answers for "binary search array java"


binary search java

// Java implementation of iterative Binary Search 
class BinarySearch { 
	// Returns index of x if it is present in arr[], 
	// else return -1 
	int binarySearch(int arr[], int x) 
		int l = 0, r = arr.length - 1; 
		while (l <= r) { 
			int m = l + (r - l) / 2; 

			// Check if x is present at mid 
			if (arr[m] == x) 
				return m; 

			// If x greater, ignore left half 
			if (arr[m] < x) 
				l = m + 1; 

			// If x is smaller, ignore right half 
				r = m - 1; 

		// if we reach here, then element was 
		// not present 
		return -1; 

	// Driver method to test above 
	public static void main(String args[]) 
		BinarySearch ob = new BinarySearch(); 
		int arr[] = { 2, 3, 4, 10, 40 }; 
		int n = arr.length; 
		int x = 10; 
		int result = ob.binarySearch(arr, x); 
		if (result == -1) 
			System.out.println("Element not present"); 
			System.out.println("Element found at "
							+ "index " + result); 
Posted by: Guest on April-02-2020

binary search program in java

public class Main{ public static void binarySearch(int arr[], int a, int b, int key){ int mid = (a + b)/2; while( a <= b ){ if ( arr[mid] < key ){ a = mid + 1; }else if ( arr[mid] == key ){ System.out.println("number is here " + mid); break; }else{ b = mid - 1; } mid = (a + b)/2; } if ( a > b ){ System.out.println("number not here"); } } public static void main(String args[]){ int arr[] = {10,20,30,40,50}; int key = 30; int b=arr.length-1; binarySearch(arr,0,b,key); } }
Posted by: Guest on June-29-2021

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