Answers for "stack methods"


java stack methods

import java.util.Stack<E>;
Stack<Integer> myStack = new Stack<Integer>();
myStack.empty(); // True if stack is empty
Posted by: Guest on April-06-2020

stack class in java

import java.util.Stack;
class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Stack<String> animals= new Stack<>();
        // Add elements to Stack
        // Remove element from Stack
      	// Access element from top of Stack
Posted by: Guest on May-20-2020

stack implementation

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int top = -1; //Globally defining the value of top as the stack is empty

    void push (int stack[ ] , int x , int n)
        if ( top == n-1 )       //If the top position is the last of position of the stack, this means that the stack is full.
            cout << "Stack is full.Overflow condition!" ;
            top = top +1 ;            //Incrementing the top position 
            stack[ top ] = x ;       //Inserting an element on incremented position  
    bool isEmpty ( )
        if ( top == -1 )  //Stack is empty
            return true ; 
            return false;
    void pop ( ) 

        if( isEmpty ( ) )
            cout << "Stack is empty. Underflow condition! " << endl ;
             top = top - 1 ; //Decrementing top’s position will detach last element from stack            
    int size ( )
        return top + 1;
    int topElement (int stack[])
        return stack[ top ];
    //Let's implement these functions on the stack given above 

    int main( )
        int stack[ 3 ];
        // pushing element 5 in the stack .
        push(stack , 5 , 3 ) ;

        cout << "Current size of stack is " << size ( ) << endl ;

        push(stack , 10 , 3);
        push (stack , 24 , 3) ;

        cout << "Current size of stack is " << size( ) << endl ;

        //As the stack is full, further pushing will show an overflow condition.
        push(stack , 12 , 3) ;

        //Accessing the top element
        cout << "The current top element in stack is " << topElement(stack) << endl;

        //Removing all the elements from the stack
        for(int i = 0 ; i < 3;i++ )
            pop( );
        cout << "Current size of stack is " << size( ) << endl ;

        //As the stack is empty , further popping will show an underflow condition.
        pop ( );  

Posted by: Guest on August-11-2021

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