Answers for "the best way to make a dictionary in java"


built dictionary in java

import java.util.*;

class My_Dictionary 
	public static void main(String[] args)
		// creating a My HashTable Dictionary
		Hashtable<String, String> my_dict = new Hashtable<String, String>();

    // Using a few dictionary Class methods
		// using put method
		my_dict.put("01", "Apple");
		my_dict.put("10", "Banana");
		// using get() method
    System.out.println("\nValue at key = 10 : " + my_dict.get("10")); 
    System.out.println("Value at key = 11 : " + my_dict.get("11"));
		// using isEmpty() method
    System.out.println("\nIs my dictionary empty? : " + my_dict.isEmpty() + "\n");
		// using remove() method 
		// remove value at key 10
    System.out.println("Checking if the removed value exists: " + my_dict.get("10")); 
    System.out.println("\nSize of my_dict : " + my_dict.size()); 
Posted by: Guest on January-14-2021

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