Answers for "quicksort java´"


Quicksort java

import java.util.Arrays;
public class QuickSortInJava
   int partition(int[] arrNumbers, int low, int high)
      int pivot = arrNumbers[high];
      // smaller element index
      int a = (low - 1);
      for(int b = low; b < high; b++)
         // if current element is smaller than the pivot
         if(arrNumbers[b] < pivot)
            // swap arrNumbers[a] and arrNumbers[b]
            int temp = arrNumbers[a];
            arrNumbers[a] = arrNumbers[b];
            arrNumbers[b] = temp;
      // swap arrNumbers[a + 1] and arrNumbers[high] or pivot
      int temp = arrNumbers[a + 1];
      arrNumbers[a + 1] = arrNumbers[high];
      arrNumbers[high] = temp;
      return a + 1;
   void sort(int[] arrNumbers, int low, int high)
      if (low < high)
         int p = partition(arrNumbers, low, high);
         /* recursive sort elements before
         partition and after partition */
         sort(arrNumbers, low, p - 1);
         sort(arrNumbers, p + 1, high);
   static void displayArray(int[] arrNumbers)
      int s = arrNumbers.length;
      for(int a = 0; a < s; ++a)
         System.out.print(arrNumbers[a] + " ");
   public static void main(String[] args)
      int[] arrNumbers = {59, 74, 85, 67, 56, 29, 68, 34};
      int s = arrNumbers.length;
      QuickSortInJava obj = new QuickSortInJava();
      obj.sort(arrNumbers, 0, s - 1);
      System.out.println("After sorting array: ");
Posted by: Guest on January-04-2021

quicksort java

//GOD's quicksort
public static <E extends Comparable<E>> List<E> sort(List<E> col) {
  if (col == null || col.isEmpty())
    return Collections.emptyList();
  else {
    E pivot = col.get(0);
    Map<Integer, List<E>> grouped =
    return Stream.of(sort(grouped.get(1)), grouped.get(0), sort(grouped.get(-1)))
Posted by: Guest on April-26-2021

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