Answers for "java initialize 2d array"


how to fill a 2d array in java

int rows = 5, column = 7;
int[][] arr = new int[rows][column]; 
   //2D arrays are row major, so always row first
for (int row = 0; row < arr.length; row++)
	for (int col = 0; col < arr[row].length; col++)
    	arr[row][col] = 5; //Whatever value you want to set them to
Posted by: Guest on April-22-2020

Java 2d array initialization

class TwoDimensionalArray {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String[][] salutation = {
            {"Mr. ", "Mrs. ", "Ms. "},

        // Mr. Kumar
        System.out.println(salutation[0][0] + salutation[1][0]);

        // Mrs. Kumar
        System.out.println(salutation[0][1] + salutation[1][0]);

The output from this program is:

Mr. Kumar
Mrs. Kumar
Posted by: Guest on March-29-2021

how to initialize one dimensional array in java

int[] a; // valid declaration
int b[]; // valid declaration 
int[] c; // valid declaration
Posted by: Guest on January-08-2021

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