Answers for "matrix transpose code"


what is the transpose of a matrix

The transpose of a matrix is just a flipped version of 
the original matrix. We can transpose a matrix by switching 
its rows with its columns. The original rows become the new columns
and the original columns become the new rows.
We denote the transpose of matrix A by AT. 

For example:
	1 2 3                      1 4 7
A = 4 5 6       then      AT = 2 5 8
    7 8 9                      3 6 9
Similarly if 

B = 1 2 3       then      BT = 1 4
    4 5 6                      2 5 
                               3 6
Posted by: Guest on November-19-2020

transpose of a matrix java

for (int row = 0; row < matrix.length; row++) {
   for (int col = row; col < matrix[row].length; col++) 
    	// Swap 
     	int data = matrix[row][col];
    	matrix[row][col] = matrix[col][row];
   		matrix[col][row] = data;
Posted by: Guest on November-14-2020

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