Answers for "java list array"


java arraylist

import java.util.List; //list abstract class
import java.util.ArrayList; //arraylist class

//Object Lists
List l = new ArrayList();
ArrayList a = new ArrayList();

//Specialized List
List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>();
ArrayList<Integer> a = new ArrayList<Integer>();
//only reference data types allowed in brackets <>

//Initial Capacity
List<Double> l = new ArrayList<Double>(5);
//list will start with a capacity of 5
//saves allocation times
Posted by: Guest on July-13-2020

arraylist java

//requires either one of these two imports, both work.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.*

ArrayList<DataType> name = new ArrayList<DataType>();
//Defining an arraylist, substitute "DataType" with an Object
//such as Integer, Double, String, etc
//the < > is required
//replace "name" with your name for the arraylist
Posted by: Guest on December-25-2020

arrays lists java

ArrayList: part of Collections        
does not support primitives, only support none primitives
size is dynamic, automatically adjusted
has index numbers
ArrayList <DataType>  listName = new ArrayList <DataType> ();
add(): adds Objects to the arraylist
get(index): gets the object at the given index, returns the object as it is
size(): returns the length (size) of the arraylist as an int
add(Object): adds objects to the arraylist
add(index, Object): adds the object at the given index
set(index, Object):  replacing the original object at given index with the new given object
remove(int index): object at the given index will be removed. ONLY one
 remove(Object): given object will be removed, returns boolean. ONLY one
 clear(): remove everything from arraylist, size will be 0
indexOf(Object): returns the index number of the object, int
contains(Object): returns boolean 
equals(ArrayListName): compares two arrayList 
isEmpty(): returns boolean, depeding on the size

Data Structures:
		1. Array  ==>    Arrays (java.util)
		2. Collection ==> Collections (java.util), does not support primitive
		3. Maps  ==> does not support primitive
Bulk Operations:
containsAll(CollectionType): verifies if all objects in CollectionType are contained in the list or not, returns boolean
addAll(CollectionType): adds multiple objects, adds all the objects from given collection type
removeAll(CollectionType): removes multiple objetcs, removes all the matching objects
retainAll(CollectionType): removes all the unmatching objects
					removeAll(1,2,3,4) ==> {5,6,7}
					retainAll(1,2,3,4) ==> {1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4 }
             Arrays.asList(object1, object2 ..): returns the collection type (List)
 ArrayList<Integer> numList = new ArrayList<>(CollectionType);
 sorting arrayList:
	Collections.sort(ArrayListName); ==> Ascending order
	Collections: presented in "java.util" package
		import PakageName.Classname;
		import java.util.Collections;
Collections Class:
sort(CollectionType): sorting any given collectionType
frequency(CollectionType, Object): returns the frequency of the given object from the given collectionType
max(CollectionType): return the max object from collectiontype
min(CollectionType): return the min object from collectiontype
swap(CollectionType, index1, index2): swaps the elemnts at the given indexs from the CollectionType
				list: {1,2,3,4,5}
				Collections.swap(list, 1, 2); ==> {1,3,2,4,5}
replaceAll(CollectionType, oldValue, newValue):
				list: {1,1,1,2,3,4,5}
				Collections.replaceAll(list, 1, 10); ==>{10,10,10,2,3,4,5}

Predicate:  can be applied to any collection-Type
		number % 2 != 0
		Predicate<Ineteger>  oddNumber =  p -> p %2 != 0;
ArrayLisst method:
remove If(Predicate): removes everything that's matching with the expression of predicate
Posted by: Guest on May-28-2021

java arraylist

import java.util.ArrayList;
ArrayList<String> languages = new ArrayList<String>(); // ArrayList of type string
ArrayList<int> numbers = new ArrayList<int>(); // ArrayList of type int
Posted by: Guest on June-17-2021

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