Answers for "How to disable recurring scheduling after a successful notification hangfire"


hangfire list recurring jobs

List<Hangfire.Storage.RecurringJobDto> recurringJobs = new List<Hangfire.Storage.RecurringJobDto>();
recurringJobs = Hangfire.JobStorage.Current.GetConnection().GetRecurringJobs().ToList();

GetRecurringJobs() is an extension method. You need to add “using Hangfire.Storage” (the most common element missing in any C# documentation!).
Posted by: Guest on October-18-2020

hangfire list recurring jobs

List<Hangfire.Storage.RecurringJobDto> recurringJobs = new List<Hangfire.Storage.RecurringJobDto>();
recurringJobs = Hangfire.JobStorage.Current.GetConnection().GetRecurringJobs().ToList();

GetRecurringJobs() is an extension method. You need to add “using Hangfire.Storage” (the most common element missing in any C# documentation!).
Posted by: Guest on October-18-2020

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