functional interface java
A functional interface is an interface that contains only one abstract method. They can have only one functionality to exhibit.
functional interface java
A functional interface is an interface that contains only one abstract method. They can have only one functionality to exhibit.
interface in java
Interfaces specify what a class must do.
It is the blueprint of the class.
It is used to achieve total abstraction.
We are using implements keyword for interface.
Basic statement we all know in Selenium is
WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
WebDriver itself is an Interface.
So we are initializing Firefox browser
using Selenium WebDriver.
It means we are creating a reference variable
of the interface and creating an Object.
So WebDriver is an Interface and
FirefoxDriver is a class.
java interface
class ACMEBicycle implements Bicycle {
int cadence = 0;
int speed = 0;
int gear = 1;
// The compiler will now require that methods
// changeCadence, changeGear, speedUp, and applyBrakes
// all be implemented. Compilation will fail if those
// methods are missing from this class.
void changeCadence(int newValue) {
cadence = newValue;
void changeGear(int newValue) {
gear = newValue;
void speedUp(int increment) {
speed = speed + increment;
void applyBrakes(int decrement) {
speed = speed - decrement;
void printStates() {
System.out.println("cadence:" +
cadence + " speed:" +
speed + " gear:" + gear);
Interface in java
// interface syntax
interface InterfaceName
fields // by default interface fields are public, static final
methods // by default interface methods are abstract, public
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