Answers for "static method in python"


python static variable in function

#You can make static variables inside a function in many ways.
"""1/You can add attributes to a function, and use it as a
static variable."""
def foo():
    foo.counter += 1
    print ("Counter is %d" % foo.counter)
foo.counter = 0 

"""2/If you want the counter initialization code at the top
instead of the bottom, you can create a decorator:"""
def static_vars(**kwargs):
    def decorate(func):
        for k in kwargs:
            setattr(func, k, kwargs[k])
        return func
    return decorate
#Then use the code like this:
def foo():
    foo.counter += 1
    print ("Counter is %d" % foo.counter)

"""3/Alternatively, if you don't want to setup the variable
outside the function, you can use hasattr() to avoid an
AttributeError exception:"""
def myfunc():
    if not hasattr(myfunc, "counter"):
        myfunc.counter = 0  # it doesn't exist yet, so initialize it
    myfunc.counter += 1
Posted by: Guest on March-07-2020

staticmethod python

class math:

    def add(x, y):
        return x + y

    def add5(num):
        return num + 5

    def add10(num):
        return num + 10

    def pi():
        return 3.14

x = math.add(10, 20)
y = math.add5(x)
z = math.add10(y)
print(x, y, z)
Posted by: Guest on October-20-2021

staticmethod python

import random

class Example:
  	# A static method doesn't take the self argument and
    # cannot access class members.
    def choose(l: list) -> int:
    	return random.choice(l)
    def __init__(self, l: list):
      self.number = self.choose(l)
Posted by: Guest on February-01-2021

python staticmethod

# python static method in simple explanation
class cls:
    def func():

instance1 = cls()
instance2 = cls()
instance3 = cls()

print(id(cls.func), cls.func)
print(id(instance1.func), instance1.func)
print(id(instance2.func), instance2.func)
print(id(instance3.func), instance3.func)
# they are same thing
Posted by: Guest on August-14-2021

python static type

# In Python, typing is dynamic. You can, if you want, change the type
# of a variable at will (don't do that please)

# Lets define an integer in python using type hints.
an_integer: int
# Now you can give it a value
an_integer = 5 # an_integer now have the value 5
# But you can't change the type anymore
an_integer = "a string" # Your IDE will give you an error
# You can also define the value and the type on the same line
an_integer: int = 5

"""Note : The Python runtime does not enforce function and variable type
annotations. They can be used by third party tools such as type
checkers, IDEs, linters, etc."""

# You can give a special type for enumerators
from typing import List
an_integer_list: List[int] = [0,1,2,3]
# Writing
my_list: list
# Is the same as
from typing import Any
my_list: List[Any]

# You can give multiple type
from typing import Union
string_or_integer: Union[int, str]
string_or_integer = 5  # Will work fine
string_or_integer = "a string"  # Will work fine
string_or_integer = [] # IDE will give an error

# They are lot of interesting things that you can do with static type.
# Take a look at
Posted by: Guest on August-26-2021

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