Answers for "string vs stringbuffer vs stringbuilder in java"


string vs stringbuilder vs stringbuffer

String vs StringBuilder vs StringBuffer

                STRING          STRINGBUFFER       STRINGBUILDER

Storage         String Pool     Heap                Heap
Modifiable      Immutable   	Mutable           	Mutable
Thread Safe     YES             YES                 NO
Performance     FAST            VERY SLOW           FAST
Posted by: Guest on January-14-2021

string vs stringbuffer

The main similarity between String and StringBuffer class is that both are
thread safe. 
The main difference is that String is immutable; StringBuffer is mutable.
Posted by: Guest on December-05-2020

stringbuilder vs stringbuffer

They both mutable, they are exactly same but
String buffer is thread safe so it runs slower
than String builder.
We are using StringBuffer when we are doing parallel
testing since it is a thread safe.
Posted by: Guest on January-05-2021

difference between string vs stringbuffer

The main similarity between String and StringBuffer class is that both are 
thread safe.
The main difference is that String is immutable; StringBuffer is mutable.
Posted by: Guest on December-05-2020

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