method overloading
Method overloading is providing two separate methods in a class
with the same name but different arguments, while the method return type
may or may not be different, which allows us to reuse the same method name.
method overloading
Method overloading is providing two separate methods in a class
with the same name but different arguments, while the method return type
may or may not be different, which allows us to reuse the same method name.
method overloading
// Java program to demonstrate working of method
// overloading in Java.
public class Sum {
// Overloaded sum(). This sum takes two int parameters
public int sum(int x, int y)
return (x + y);
// Overloaded sum(). This sum takes three int parameters
public int sum(int x, int y, int z)
return (x + y + z);
// Overloaded sum(). This sum takes two double parameters
public double sum(double x, double y)
return (x + y);
// Driver code
public static void main(String args[])
Sum s = new Sum();
System.out.println(s.sum(10, 20));
System.out.println(s.sum(10, 20, 30));
System.out.println(s.sum(10.5, 20.5));
method overloading
func play(instrument: String) {}
method overloading
// Java program to demonstrate working of method
// overloading in Java.
public class Sum {
// Overloaded sum(). This sum takes two int parameters
public int sum(int x, int y)
return (x + y);
// Overloaded sum(). This sum takes three int parameters
public int sum(int x, int y, int z)
return (x + y + z);
// Overloaded sum(). This sum takes two double parameters
public double sum(double x, double y)
return (x + y);
// Driver code
public static void main(String args[])
Sum s = new Sum();
System.out.println(s.sum(10, 20));
System.out.println(s.sum(10, 20, 30));
System.out.println(s.sum(10.5, 20.5));
program for method overloading in java
what is method overloading and method overriding in Java?
Method overloading is providing two separate methods in a class with the same name but different arguments, while the method return type may or may not be different, which allows us to reuse the same method name.
Method overriding means defining a method in a child class that is already defined in the parent class with the same method signature, same name, arguments, and return type
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